Article 1. General Provisions
1-101. Code designated.
1-102. Definitions.
1-103. Existing ordinances.
1-104. Effect of repeal.
1-105. Catchlines of sections.
1-106. Parenthetical and reference matter.
1-107. Amendments; repeal.
1-108. Powers generally.
1-109. Ordinances.
1-110. Same; subject and title; amendment.
1-111. Same; publication.
1-112. Same; ordinance book.
1-113. Resolutions, motions.
1-114. City records.
1-115. Altering code.
1-116. Scope of application.
1-117. General penalty.
1-118. Severability.
Article 2. Territorial Limits
1-201. Territorial limits
Article 3. Governing Body
1-301. Governing Body; titles.
1-302. Powers generally.
1-303. Titles.
1-304. Chairman; mayor.
1-305. Order of business.
1-306. Meetings.
1-307. Ordinances.
1-308. Offices and salaries.
1-309. Appoint City Manager.
1-310. Members not to interfere.
1-311. Departments.
Article 4. Reserved
Article 5. City Manager
1-501. Powers and term of City Manager.
1-502. Qualifications.
1-503. Salary; bond.
1-504. Duties of manager.
1-505. Countersigns warrants.
Article 6. Administrative Departments
1-601. Departments created.
1-602. Departmental divisions; officers, boards employees.
1-603. Department of Law.
1-604. Department of Service.
1-605. Department of Public Welfare.
1-606. Department of Safety.
1-607. Department of Finance.
1-608. Department of Utilities.
1-609. Additional departments.
1-610. Manager may act in any capacity.
Article 7. Oaths And Bonds
1-701. Officer’s oath.
1-702. Bond of Commissioners.
1-703. Bonds of certain officers required.
1-704. Condition of bonds.
1-705. Approval of bonds.
1-706. Premiums.
Article 8. Employee Classification and Policies
1-801. Creation.
1-802. Rules; regulations.
1-803. Appointment.
1-804. Classification compensation plan.
Article 9. Investment of Public Funds
1-901. Purpose and goals.
1-902. Active funds; designation of depositories; eligible depositories.
1-903. Definitions.
1-904. Investment of idle funds.
1-905. Procedures and restrictions.
1-906. Custody and safekeeping.
1-907. Sale or transfer.
1-908. Interest on time deposits.
Article 10. Tourism Advisory Board
1-1001. Creation and establishment.
1-1002. Term of office.
1-1003. Compensation.
1-1004. Duties and responsibilities.
1-1005. Organization and operation.
Article 11. Revenue, Finance & Community Development
1-1101. Transient guest tax.
1-1102. Municipal equipment reserve fund.
1-1103. Wastewater fund.
1-1104. Tax refund reserve fund.
1-1105. Tax refund litigation fund.
1-1106. Collection fee assessed on debts and obligations.
Article 12. Steering Committee
1-1201 Creation and establishment.
1-1202. Term of office.
1-1203. Compensation.
1-1204. Duties and responsibilities.
1-1205. Organization and operation.
1-1206. Media.
Article 1. Dogs
2-101. Definitions.
2-102. Vaccination and registration required.
2-103. Annual registration.
2-104. Registration fees.
2-105. Late registration fees; exceptions.
2-106. Registration procedure.
2-107. Exception to registration; requirements for visiting dogs.
2-108. Running at large prohibited.
2-109. Dogfighting.
2-110. Keeping vicious dogs prohibited.
2-111. Trespass.
2-112. Unspayed female dogs; confinement during heat.
2-113. Noisy dogs.
2-114. Cruelty to dogs unlawful.
2-115. Transfer fee.
2-116. Impoundment; disposition.
2-117. Impoundment or confinement of dogs suspected of rabies or which have bitten.
2-118. Rabies; state of emergency; publication notice.
2-119. Tranquilizer gun authorized; killing authorized under certain conditions.
2-120. Breaking pound.
2-121. Right of entry.
2-122. Penalty.
2-123. Maximum number of dogs.
Article 2. Dangerous Dogs
2-201. Definitions.
2-202. Seizure; impoundment; keeping of dangerous dogs.
2-203. Restrictions on keeping dangerous dogs.
2-204. Dangerous dog; running at large.
2-205. Dangerous dog; attack on human or other.
2-206. Dangerous dog; court’s general authority.
2-207. General penalty provisions.
Article 3. Cats
2-301. Definitions.
2-302. Vaccination and registration required.
2-303. Annual registration.
2-304. Registration fees.
2-305. Late registration fees; exceptions.
2-306. Registration procedure.
2-307. Exception to registration; requirements for visiting cats.
2-308. Trespass and damage
2-309. Confinement of certain cats during estrus.
2-310. Transfer fee.
2-311. Impoundment; disposition.
2-312. Impoundment or confinement of rabies suspects.
2-313. Rabies; state of emergency; publication notice.
2-314. Tranquilizer gun and traps authorized; killing authorized under certain conditions.
2-315. Breaking pound.
2-316. Right of entry.
2-317. Penalty.
2-318. Maximum number of cats.
Article 4. Animals Other Than Dogs And Cats
2-401. Penalty.
2-402. Running at large; trespass.
2-403. Duties of City Manager.
2-404. Notice of impounding.
2-405. Herding within limits of city.
2-406. Care of animals.
2-407. Domestic animal may be claimed by owner.
2-408. Reserved.
2-409. Fees.
2-410. Record to be kept.
2-411. Reserved.
2-412. Reserved.
2-413. Unlawful to drive animals into city.
2-414. Reserved.
2-415. Running at large of poultry.
2-416. Maintaining swine; certain exceptions.
2-417. Exception.
2-418. Exotic animals.
2-419. Cruelty to animals unlawful.
Article 1. General Provisions
3-101. Definitions.
3-102. Restriction on location.
3-103. Minors on premises.
3-104. Consumption on public property.
3-105. Public sale; consumption.
3-106. Open container.
3-107. Consumption while driving.
3-108. Identification card.
3-109. Underage purchaser.
Article 2. Cereal Malt Beverages
3-201. Definitions; sale at retail requires license.
3-202. License and permit fees.
3-203. License granted; denied.
3-204. Purchase or possession of enhanced cereal malt beverages by certain persons, or sale of same to certain persons prohibited.
3-205. Location of premises.
3-206. Certain sales on credit prohibited.
3-207. License fee.
3-208. Purchase or possession of enhanced cereal malt beverages by certain persons, or sale of same to certain persons prohibited.
3-209. License suspension/revocation by Governing Body.
3-210. Location of premises.
3-211. Business operating regulations.
3-212. Suspension or revocation of licenses for licensee’s refusal to permit inspection.
Article 3. Alcoholic Liquor
3-301. State license required.
3-302. Occupational tax.
3-303. Posting of receipt.
3-304. Hours of sale.
3-305. Business regulations.
3-306. Restrictions on location.
Article 4. Private Clubs
3-401. License required.
3-402. License fee.
3-403. Business regulations.
Article 5. Drinking Establishments
3-501. License required.
3-502. License fee.
3-503. Business regulations.
Article 6. Caterers
3-601. License required.
3-602. License fee.
3-603. Business regulations.
3-604. Notice to Chief of Police.
Article 7. Temporary Permits
3-701. Permit required.
3-702. Permit fee.
3-703. City temporary permit.
3-704. Permit regulations.
Article 1. Building Codes
4-101. Adoption of building, residential, and existing building codes.
4-102. Office of inspection; building permit fee.
4-103. Duty to enforce.
Article 2. Electrical Code
4-201. Adoption of National Electrical Code.
4-202. Office of inspection; electric permit fee.
4-203. Additional provisions.
Article 3. Plumbing Code
4-301. Adoption of plumbing code.
4-302. Office of inspection; plumbing permit fee
4-303. Additional regulations for water supply and distribution.
4-304. Additional regulations for sanitary drainage.
Article 4. Mechanical Code
4-401. Adoption of mechanical code.
4-402. Office of inspection; mechanical permit fee.
4-403. Duty to enforce.
Article 5. Fuel Gas Code
4-501. Adoption of fuel gas code.
4-502. Office of inspection; gas permit fee.
4-503. Additional regulations for gas supply and distribution.
Article 6. Private Sewage Disposal Code
4-601. Adoption of private sewage disposal code.
Article 7. Property Maintenance Code
4-701. Adoption of property maintenance code.
4-702. Office of inspection and enforcement; penalty for violation.
4-703. Coordination with existing code provisions.
Article 8. Manufactured Housing
4-801. Compliance with codes.
4-802. Inspection.
4-803. Additional requirements.
4-804. Fee.
4-805. Violation; penalty.
Article 9. Moving Buildings
4-901. Permit.
4-902. Application for permit.
4-903. Notice. Payment.
4-904. Route.
4-905. Lights.
4-906. Bond.
4-907. Penalty.
Article 10. Stormwater Management
4-1001. Purpose.
4-1002. Engineering study required.
4-1003. Hydrological criteria and methods.
4-1004. Easements.
4-1005. Maintenance responsibility; inspections.
4-1006. Stormwater detention facility requirements.
4-1007. Drainage study requirements.
4-1008. Stormwater pollution prevention plan.
4-1009. Penalty.
4-1010. Coordination with stormwater provisions of the plumbing code.
Article 11. License Requirements
4-1101. License required; reciprocity.
4-1102. Class of license.
4-1103. Applications.
4-1104. Liability insurance required.
4-1105. Examination.
4-1106. Forfeiture and term.
Article 1. Fair Housing Policy
5-101. Policy.
5-102. Definitions.
5-103. Unlawful practice.
5-104. Discrimination in the sale or rental of housing.
5-105. Discrimination in the financing of housing.
5-106. Discrimination in the provision of brokerage services.
5-107. Exemption.
5-108. Administration.
5-109. Education and conciliation.
5-110. Enforcement.
5-111. Investigations; subpoenas; giving of evidence.
5-112. Enforcement by private persons.
5-113 Interference, coercion, or intimidation.
5-114. Severability of provisions.
5-115. Prevention of intimidation in fair housing cases.
5-116. Authority.
Article 2. Solicitors
5-201. Definitions.
5-202. License required; exceptions.
5-203. Revocation of license.
5-204. Receipts.
5-205. License fees.
5-206. Where soliciting prohibited.
5-207. Exhibition of license required.
Article 3. Mobile Food Vendors
5-301. Mobile food vendor’s license required.
5-302. Mobile food vendor application for license; annual fee required.
5-303. Mobile food unit standards of operation and restrictions.
5-304. Mobile food vendor license revocation.
5-305. Mobile food vendor license exceptions.
5-306. Penalty.
Article 1. Governing Body
6-101. Elections.
6-102. Terms of Commissioners; transition; method of election; candidacy.
6-103. No primary elections.
6-104. Non-partisan elections.
Article 2. Wards
6-201. Division of wards.
6-202. First ward.
6-203. Second ward.
6-204. Third ward.
6-205. Fourth ward.
Article 1. Fire Department
7-101. Organization.
7-102. Appointment of Fire Chief; authority.
7-103. Reserve firefighters.
7-104. Compensation.
Article 2. Fire Prevention Code
7-201. International fire code incorporated.
7-202. Office of inspection.
7-203. Penalty for violation of fire code.
Article 3. Explosives
7-301. Selling restrictions.
7-302. Certain locations of sale prohibited.
7-303. Exploding; firing on designated days and at designated times.
7-304. Exploding, firing; location restrictions.
7-305. Illegal fireworks and explosives.
7-306. Industrial purposes; exception.
Article 4. Smoke And Fire Alarms
7-401. Definitions.
7-402. Installation required.
7-403. Smoke alarm required.
7-404. Inspection and enforcement.
7-405. Violation, penalty.
Article 1. Board Of Health
8-101. Board of Health created; personnel.
8-102. Appointment of board; term of office.
8-103. Powers of board.
8-104. Mayor chairman of board.
8-105. Quorum.
Article 2. Nuisances
8-201. Nuisances unlawful; defined.
8-202. Complaints; inquiry and inspection.
8-203. Right of entry.
8-204. Notice.
8-205. Same; manner of notice.
8-206. Failure to comply; penalty.
8-207. Abatement.
8-208. Costs assessed.
8-209. Hearing.
Article 3. Weeds
8-301. Weeds to be removed.
8-302. Definitions.
8-303. Public officer; notice to remove.
8-304. Abatement of weeds; costs assessed and penalty for nonpayment; assessment of such costs against land.
8-305. Right of entry.
8-306. Unlawful interference; penalty.
8-307. Noxious weeds.
8-308. Issuance of annual permit for agricultural use.
Article 4. Dangerous Structures
8-401. Existence declared.
8-402. Definitions.
8-403. City Manager to enforce.
8-404. Petition; complaint.
8-405. Dangerous conditions.
8-406. Service of complaint.
8-407. Appeal.
8-408. Powers of City Manager.
8-409. Powers of city.
8-410. Penalty.
Article 5. Insurance Proceeds Lien
8-501. Scope and application.
8-502. Lien created; encumbrances; payment on prorata basis.
8-503. Procedure.
8-504. Fund created; deposit of monies.
8-505. Duties of city upon receipt of insurance proceeds.
8-506. Removal of structure; application of funds; excess monies.
8-507. How applied; City Manager to adopt regulations.
8-508. Effect upon insurance policies.
8-509. Immunity granted insurers; when.
8-510. City Clerk; duty to notify.
Article 6. Environmental Code
8-601. Title.
8-602. Legislative finding of fact.
8-603. Purpose.
8-604. Rules of construction.
8-605. Definitions.
8-606. Public officer.
8-607. Enforcement standards.
8-608. Unlawful acts.
8-609. Order of violation.
8-610. Penalty.
8-611. Abatement.
8-612. Hearing.
8-613. Appeals.
8-614. Costs assessed.
8-615. Construction.
Article 7. Minimum Housing Code
8-701. Title.
8-702. General.
8-703. Declaration of policy.
8-704. Definitions.
8-705. Duty of occupant or owner of occupied or unoccupied building and its premises or vacant premises.
8-706. Regulations for the use and occupancy of dwellings.
8-707. Maintenance and repair; dwellings.
8-708. Designation of unfit dwellings.
8-709. Designation of blighted premises (residential and non-residential).
8-710. Designation of blighted buildings and premises (non-residential).
8-711. Inspection of buildings and structures, and premises.
8-712. Notice of violations; procedures.
8-713. Public officer; authority.
8-714. Governing Body; authority.
8-715. Order to correct and/or repair, remove or demolish.
8-716. Demolition by public officer; procedure and costs.
8-717. Conflict of laws; effect or partial invalidity.
8-718. Governing Body; appeals.
8-719. Right of petition.
Article 8. Junked Motor Vehicles On Private Property
8-801. Findings of Governing Body.
8-802. Definitions.
8-803. Nuisances unlawful; defined; exceptions.
8-804. Public officer.
8-805. Complaints; inquiry and inspection.
8-806. Same; right of entry.
8-807. Order of violation.
8-808. Same; contents.
8-809. Failure to comply; penalty.
8-810. Abatement.
8-811. Disposition of vehicle; recovery of vehicle.
8-812. Hearing.
8-813. Costs assessed.
Article 1. General Provisions
9-101. Reserved.
9-102. Reserved.
9-103. Collection and transfer of fines.
9-104. Reserved.
9-105. Reserved.
9-106. Witness fees and expenses.
9-107. Court costs.
Article 1. Police Department
10-101. Department created.
10-102. Duties.
10-103. Witness fee.
10-104. Rules and regulations.
10-105. Matron.
10-106. Rewards.
Article 2. Property In Police Custody
10-201. Regulations.
10-202. Disposition.
10-203. Same; exempt property.
10-204. Claiming property.
10-205. Proof of ownership.
10-206. Auction.
Article 1. Uniform Public Offense Code
11-101. Uniform public offense code incorporated.
11-102. Omissions.
Article 2. Local Provisions
11-201. Assisting an officer.
11-202. Use of sidewalks restricted.
11-203. Unlawful posting of pictures and advertisements.
11-204. Littering.
11-205. Loitering on or about school premises.
11-206. Disturb the peace; schools; libraries.
11-207. Possession of alcoholic beverage.
11-208. Public defecation.
11-209. Possession of alcoholic beverage by certain persons.
11-210. Loitering on or about business premises.
11-211. Tampering with utility equipment.
11-212. Obtaining any municipal utility services by temporary interconnection.
11-213. Abandoned containers.
11-214. Curfew.
11-215. Plastic bags or coverings.
11-216. Aerial interference.
Article 3. Certain Materials Unlawful
11-301. Inhalation unlawful; exceptions.
11-302. Possession.
11-303. Sale.
11-304. Definition.
11-305. Violation; penalty.
Article 1. Parks And Recreation
12-101. Department of parks and recreation.
12-102. Director of parks and recreation.
12-103. Parks and recreation advisory board.
12-104. Terms of office; vacancies.
12-105. Duties of parks and recreation advisory board:
12-106. Organization of parks and recreation advisory board.
12-107. Reports.
Article 2. Use Of City Parks
12-201. Purpose.
12-202. Injuring park and lake property.
12-203. Firearms.
12-204. Quiet time to be observed.
12-205. Sanitary uses.
12-206. Fires.
12-207. Dogs in park.
12-208. Speed limits.
12-209. Operators of motorized, nonhighway vehicles required to be issued permit.
12-210. Motorized, nonhighway vehicle operating regulations.
12-211. Swimming generally prohibited; certain exceptions.
12-212. Hunting.
12-213. Fishing.
12-214. Boating.
12-215. Boating regulations.
12-216. Speedboats; waterskiing.
12-217. Operating boat at operator’s risk.
12-218. Duck blinds.
12-219. Going upon ice on the surface of lakes prohibited.
12-220. Vehicles on grass in city parks.
12-221. Camping in city parks.
12-222. Riding or leading horses.
12-223. Violation: penalty
12-224. Gun range regulations.
12-225. Roller skating on roadways.
Article 3. Cemetery
12-301. Definitions.
12-302. Name of city owned cemetery.
12-303. Administration; City Clerk’s duties.
12-304. Administration; appointment of sexton; duties.
12-305. Conditions of lot purchases.
12-306. Purchase procedure.
12-307. Resale of cemetery lots.
12-308. Cemetery lots, purchase price.
12-309. Establishment of regular perpetual care fund.
12-310. Certain areas limited to specific types of burials.
12-311. Cemetery service charges.
12-312. Funeral director’s responsibilities for burial fees.
12-313. Monuments; markers.
12-314. Maintenance, regular care.
12-315. Cemetery fund.
12-316. Regulations.
12-317. Reopening graves; disinterment; permits; fees.
12-318. Financial responsibility of city for property damage.
12-319. Penalty.
Article 4. Crystal Lake
12-401. Certain boats permitted.
12-402. Boats with motors prohibited.
12-403. Camping; overnight parking.
Article 5. Temporary Structures On Public Grounds
12-501. Construction; erection.
12-502. Structures on vehicles.
12-503. Penalty.
Article 6. Library Board
12-601. Appointment; term of office; qualifications.
12-602. Organization and powers of board; creation, appointment and duties of standing committee for artwork.
12-603. Damaging or retaining library property.
12-604. Vacancies.
Article 7. Airport Advisory Board
12-701. Establishment.
12-702. Composition.
12-703. Terms of office.
12-704. Qualifications.
12-705. Compensation.
12-706. Organization.
12-707. Meetings.
Article 8. City Land Bank
12-801. Purpose.
12-802. Definitions.
12-803. Land Bank established; governed by a board of trustees; appointment, terms or trustees; dissolution of bank.
12-804. Board of Trustees; powers and duties.
12-805. Same; organization.
12-806. Land Bank; operational requirements.
Article 1. Sidewalks
13-101. Sidewalk grade.
13-102. Building against curb.
13-103. Obstruction of sidewalks unlawful; certain exceptions; permits for temporary conditions.
Article 2. Removal Of Snow And/Or Ice
13-201. Snow and ice to be removed.
13-202. Exception; alternate remedy.
13-203. Removal may be made by the city.
Article 3. Tree Advisory Board
13-301. Creation and establishment.
13-302. Term of office.
13-303. Compensation.
13-304. Duties and responsibilities.
13-305. Operation.
Article 4. Trees And Shrubbery
13-401. Short title.
13-402. Definitions.
13-403. Responsibility of forester.
13-404. Planting procedures.
13-405. Tree protection.
13-406. Public tree care.
13-407. Trimming; corner clearance.
13-408. Interference with city forester.
13-409. Rules; regulations.
Article 5. Numbering Of Buildings
13-501. All buildings to be numbered.
13-502. Manner of numbering east and west.
13-503. Manner of numbering north and south.
Article 6. Street Lighting
13-601. Purpose.
13-602. Procedure for streetlight installation.
13-603. Installation and assumption of financial responsibility.
Article 7. Pole Lease Agreements
13-701. Approval of pole lease agreements.
13-702. Right to provide services granted.
13-703. Use of public ways granted.
13-704. Changes required by public improvements.
13-705. Power of city to require removal.
13-706. Unauthorized connections.
13-707. Subject to laws of City.
Article 1. Standard Traffic Ordinance
14-101. Standard traffic ordinance incorporated.
14-102. Omissions.
14-103. Traffic infractions and traffic offenses.
14-104. Penalty; schedule of fines.
14-105. Traffic control devices; placement and maintenance.
Article 2. Speed Limits
14-201. Maximum limits.
Article 3. School Zones
14-301. School zones designated.
14-302. Speed limit fixed; applicable times.
14-303. Penalty.
Article 4. Local Traffic Regulations
14-401. Street barriers.
14-402. Through streets.
14-403. One-way streets and alleys designated.
14-404. Careless driving.
Article 5. Parking Restrictions
14-501. No parking.
14-502. Time limit.
14-503. Angle parking designated.
14-504. Handicapped parking stalls designated.
14-505. Maximum time limit for parking in commercial areas designated.
14-506. Parking recreational vehicles on residential streets.
Article 6. Trucks
14-601. Truck route.
14-602. Truck defined.
14-603. Designation of truck routes.
14-604. Further restrictions; exceptions.
14-605. Penalty.
Article 7. Golf Carts
14-701. Definition.
14-702. Operation of golf carts on public ways.
14-703. Valid driver’s license required; separate penalty for violation.
14-704. Insurance required; separate penalty for violation.
14-705. Penalty.
Article 8. Work Site Utility Vehicles
14-801. Definition
14-802. Operation of work site utility vehicles on public ways.
14-803. Valid driver ‘s license required; separate penalty for violation.
14-804. Insurance required; separate penalty for violation.
14-805. Penalty.
Article 9. Railroads
14-901. Speed limit.
14-902. Stopping at intersections.
14-903. Maintenance of crossings, culverts, water ways.
14-904. Compliance required
14-905. Failure to comply.
14-906. Sea level elevations of grade crossings.
Article 10. Abandoned Motor Vehicles On Public Property
14-1001. Definitions.
14-1002. Impounding vehicles.
14-1003. Storage.
14-1004. Notice of impoundment; storage of vehicle.
14-1005. Impoundment after request to leave to leave motor vehicle.
14-1006. Release of motor vehicle from impoundment.
14-1007. Hearing.
14-1008. Charges constitute a lien.
14-1009. Satisfaction of lien; notice of public sale.
14-1010. Redemption.
14-1011. Sale proceeds.
14-1012. Statutory procedures.
14-1013. Implementation of article.
14-1014. Reimbursement for discharged liens.
Article 11. Traffic Regulations On Private Property
14-1101. Traffic regulations on private property.
Article 1. Water Department
15-101. General regulations.
15-102. Application.
15-103. Meters required; deposit.
15-104. Authority to turn water on.
15-105. Unlawful use of water.
15-106. Wasting water.
15-107. Repair of service pipes.
15-108. Right of entry.
15-109. Requirements and specifications.
15-110. Laying of pipe.
15-111. Stop and waste cocks.
15-112. Excavations.
15-113. Filling excavations.
15-114. Hydrants and fountains.
15-115. Industrial hydrants.
15-116. Fire hydrants.
15-117. Size of taps.
15-118. Number of meters used.
15-119. Cost of connection.
15-120. Protection of meters.
15-121. Installation of meters.
15-122. Examination of meters.
15-123. Leakage to be reported.
15-124. Injury to city property.
15-125. Clerk to collect payments.
15-126. Delinquent bills.
Article 2. Cross-Connection Control
15-201. General information.
15-202. Responsibilities.
15-203. Definitions; air gap separation.
15-204. Uncontrolled cross-connections prohibited.
15-205. Prevention devices required.
15-206. Installation.
15-207. Inspection.
15-208. Testing, maintenance and repair of backflow prevention devices.
15-209. Unlawful acts.
15-210. Penalties.
15-211. Authority to promulgate and enforce regulations.
Article 3. Sewer Connections
15-301. Connection to sewer.
15-302. Application for permit.
15-304. City may connect.
15-305. Taps; connections made by authorized personnel.
Article 4. Sewer Regulations
15-401. Definitions.
15-402. Use of public sewers required.
15-403. Permits.
15-404. Building sewers and connections.
15-405. Use of the public sewers.
15-406. Protection from damage.
15-407. Powers and authority of inspectors.
15-408. Penalties.
15-409. Sewer construction; main extensions.
Article 5. Utility Service Connection Fees
15-501. Water utility connection fees.
15-502. Electric utility connection fees.
15-503. Gas utility connection fees.
15-504. Sewer utility connection fees.
15-505. Utility reconnection charges.
15-506. Changes in utility service connections.
15-507. Utility meters required to be located in accessible locations; procedures for removal and relocation of noncomplying utility meters.
15-508. Application for utility services; definition of customer.
15-509. Additional services charges to apply in certain cases.
15-510. Replacement of gas lines.
Article 6. Utilities Security Deposits
15-601. Utilities security deposit required; purpose stated.
15-602. Form of security deposit.
15-603. Amount of deposits.
15-604. Interest paid on deposits.
15-605. Refunding of deposits.
15-606. Service begun upon deposit being made.
15-607. Disposition of unclaimed utility security deposits.
Article 7. Electric, Gas and Water Rates
15-701. Gas utility service; classification of users.
15-702. Gas service; periodic rates.
15-703. Rates for gas utility service.
15-704. Electrical service; classification of users.
15-705. Electric service; periodic rates.
15-706a. Electric service; fuel cost rate adjustment.
15-706b. Electric service; renewable parallel generation permitted for certain customers; fees and rate credit for the same.
15-707. Water utility service; classification of users; rates.
15-708. Rates outside city.
15-709. Delinquency date and charges.
15-710. Shutoff policy.
15-711. Enforcement of payment of utility bills.
15-712. Utility restoration policy.
15-713. Connection or disconnection of utility services.
15-714. Temporary connection and disconnection of utility services for testing.
15-715. Terms and conditions of service.
Article 8. Sewer Service Charges
15-801. Sewer service charges established.
15-802. Delinquent charges placed on tax rolls; lien upon real property.
15-803. Service charges payable to clerk.
15-804. Monthly charges.
15-805. When no service charge.
15-806. Right to inspect.
15-807. Periodic charges; effective date.
15-808. Revenue placed in separate fund.
15-809. Responsibility of user.
15-810. Penalty.
Article 9. Utility Main And Public Street Extension Policy
15-901. Purpose.
15-902. Definitions.
15-903. General provisions for main extension.
15-904. Electric service.
15-905. Street improvement.
15-906. Water and gas service.
Article 10. New Utility Connection Standards
15-1001. Definitions.
15-1002. Certificate of compliance required.
15-1003. Heating and cooling standards.
Article 11. Water Conservation
15-1101. Definitions and classifications.
15-1102. Response to water supply shortage.
15-1103. Restrictions and prohibitions.
15-1104. Promulgation and imposition of regulations.
15-1105. Penalty.
15-1106. Disconnections.
15-1107. Emergency water rates.
Article 12. Solid Waste Regulations
15-1201. Definitions.
15-1202. Collection of solid waste; interference.
15-1203. Duty of owner or occupant; containers; location thereof.
15-1204. Wrapping of garbage.
15-1205. Miscellaneous waste provisions.
15-1206. Hazardous wastes.
15-1207. Ownership of refuse materials:
15-1208. Accumulation of refuse, garbage and other wastes.
15-1209. Burying of refuse.
15-1210. Burning of refuse.
15-1211. Unauthorized disposal.
15-1212. Use of public property prohibited.
15-1213. Unauthorized deposit.
15-1214. Permits.
15-1215. Service fees.
15-1216. Request for service.
15-1217. No refuse; presumption.
15-1218. Partial service; exceptions.
15-1219. Failure to pay bill.
15-1220. Construction areas and special conditions.
15-1221. Accumulation of leaves, brush or other yard wastes.
15-1222. Adopt regulations.
15-1223. Penalty.
Article 13. Utilities Advisory Committee
15-1301. Establishment.
15-1302. Appointment.
15-1303. Term of office.
15-1304. Qualifications.
15-1305. Duties.
15-1306. Compensation.
15-1307. Organization of committee.
15-1308. Meetings.
15-1309. Expenses.
Article 1. Planning Commission
16-101. Appointment; terms.
16-102. Meetings.
16-103. Organization.
16-104. Duties.
16-105. Duties of clerk.
16-106. Simultaneous membership permitted.
Article 2. Board of Zoning Appeals
16-201. Appointment; terms.
16-202. Term; vacancy.
16-203. Powers.
Article 3. Location of Structures And Boxcars
16-301. Illegal act.
16-302. Petition.
16-303. Action on petition.
16-304. Rejection of petition.
Article 4. Flood Damage Prevention
16-401. Statutory Authorization, Findings of Fact, and Purposes.
16-402. General Provisions.
16-403. Administration.
16-404. Provisions for Flood Hazard Reduction.
16-405. Floodplain Management Variance Procedures.
16-406. Violations.
16-407. Amendments.
16-408. Definitions.
Charter Ordinance No. 1
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Charter Ordinance No. 30
Ordinance No. 2509
Ordinance No. 3153
Ordinance No. 3194
Ordinance No. 3353
Ordinance No. 3393
Ordinance No. 4145
Ordinance No. 4208
Ordinance No. 4249