A solicitor, within the meaning of this article, is defined to be any person who goes from house to house, or from place to place, within the city taking orders for, or offering to take orders for goods, wares, or merchandise, or any article for immediate or future delivery, or for services to be performed immediately or in the future, or for the making, manufacturing or repairing of any article or thing whatsoever, immediately or for future delivery.
(Code 1961, 5-6-1; Code 2023)
It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation acting as peddlers, or any person to act as a solicitor within the meaning and application of this article without first securing a license so to do, from the City Clerk.
The exceptions from the provisions of this article are traveling salesmen doing business as representatives of established firms and selling wholesale to established businesses within the city limits, and persons soliciting for the sale of newspapers, religious tracts, milk and agricultural or farm products. The exception of newspapers does not include magazines and periodicals. Also excepted are persons who fulfill the qualification of a legal voter in general elections in the city.
(Code 1961, 5-6-2; Code 2023)
Permits and licenses issued under the provisions of this article may be revoked by the City Clerk for any of the following reasons:
(a) Fraud, misrepresentation or false statement contained in the application for license.
(b) Fraud, misrepresentation or false statement made in the course of carry ing on his business as solicitor or canvasser.
(c) Any violation of this article.
(d) Conviction of any crime or misdemeanor involving moral turpitude.
(e) Conducting the business of soliciting, or of canvassing, in an unlawful manner or in such a manner as to constitute a breach of the public.
(Code 1961, 5-6-3; Code 2023)
All orders taken by a licensed solicitor shall be in writing in duplicate, stating the terms thereof, and the amount paid in advance, and one copy shall be given to the purchaser at the time of the taking of said order.
(Code 1961, 5-6-4; Code 2023)
Solicitors as defined herein shall be subject to the following license fees, payable to the City:
Daily $ 5.00
Weekly 15.00
Monthly 25.00
Yearly 100.00
(Code 1961, 5-6-5; Code 2023)
It shall be unlawful for any person engaged in the business of soliciting, as defined by this article, or any person pretending to be a solicitor, to ring the bell or knock at the door of any residence or dwelling bearing the sign “No Solicitors”, or solicit or pretend to solicit in any building wherein or whereon the words “No Solicitors” or words of similar import are painted or affixed so as to be exposed to public view.
(Code 1961, 5-6-6; Code 2023)
Solicitors and canvassers are required to exhibit thei r license at the request of any citizen. It shall be the duty of any, police officer to require any person seen soliciting or canvassing, and who is not known by such officer to be duly licensed, to produce his solicitor’s or canvasser’s license and to enforce the provisions of this article against any person found to be violating the same.
(Code 1961, 5-6-7; Code 2023)