The city, by the power vested in it by article 12, section 5 of the constitution of the state of Kansas, hereby elects to make inapplicable to it and exempts itself from section 7, chapter 274, 1968 session laws, which applies to all cities, but allows for exemption by charter ordinance and retains the present system of non-partisan election of one Commissioner each year, said Commissioner to be elected for a term of three (3) years.

(Code 1961, 1-8-12; C.O. No. 4; Ord. 4171; Code 2023)

(a)   The City of Garnett, Kansas, has since electing in 1964 to do so, operated under the Commission-Manager form of government and desires to continue to do so, pursuant to all existing ordinances and charter ordinances relating to its form of government, except as expressly provided otherwise in this charter ordinance.

(b)   In order to maintain the staggered terms of elected Commissioners, a long-standing tradition in the City of Garnett, and as formally provided in Charter Ordinance No. 4 (adopted January 27, 1969; effective March 27, 1969) municipal elections in the city of Garnett, Kansas, shall take place on the Tuesday succeeding the first Monday in November each year. Each commissioner shall be a resident and qualified elector of the City of Garnett, Kansas, and shall at such election be elected to a three-year term, expiring with the first regular meeting in December immediately succeeding said election.

(c)   In order to transition to a five-member commission and thereafter maintain the same,

(1)   Two additional commissioners shall be elected in the November 2020 election; the terms of each such commissioner shall be for three (3) years, expiring with the first regular meeting in December; 2023.

(2)   The commission position that presently expires on the second Monday in January of 2021 shall be extended to and shall expire on the second Monday in January of 2022. Two commissioners shall be elected in the November 2021 election; the terms of such commissioners shall be for three (3) years, expiring with the first regular meeting in December 2024.

(3)   One commissioner shall·be elected in the November 2022 election for a term of three (3) years, expiring with the first regular meeting in December 2025.

(4)   Thereafter, either one or two commissioners as needed to maintain a five-member commission shall be elected annually each to a term of three (3) years.

(d)   In any such municipal election

(1)   In years in which two (2) commissioners are to be elected, the candidate receiving the greatest number of votes and the candidate receiving the next greatest number of votes shall be declared the winners.

(2)   In a year in which one (1) commissioner is to be elected, the candidate receiving the greatest number of votes·shall be declared the winner.

(e)   Any person desiring to become a candidate for commissioner shall file with the county election officer before the filing deadline established in K.S.A. 25-205 or any amendment thereto; either a petition signed by not fewer than twenty-five (25) of the qualified electors of the City of Garnett or by a declaration of intent to become a candidate accompanied by any filing fee required by law. Any such petition or declaration shall be on a form furnished by the county election officer and as specified by the secretary of state.

(Code 1961, 1-8-13; Ord. 4129; C.O. No. 28; C.O. No. 29; Code 2023)

Regardless of the number of candidates who have filed for election for any city office, there shall be no necessity of a primary election, and every person who has filed for any city office shall be listed on the ballot and shall be voted on by the voters at the general election of city officers. The person from among the candidates who receives the largest number of votes at such general election shall be declared the winner of said election.

(C.O. No. 7; Code 2023)

All elections for the City of Garnett, Kansas, shall be non-partisan.

(Ord. 4171; Code 2023)