The rules, regulations and water rents hereinafter mentioned shall be considered a part of the contract with every person who is supplied with water through the Waterworks of the City, and every person making application for, or accepting water, shall be considered and be bound thereby, and where any person shall violate such rules or regulations, or such others as the Governing Body may hereafter adopt, the water shall be cut off from the premises of such violator and shall not be let on again except by order of the Superintendent and on payment of the expense of shutting it off and turning it on again, and upon such other terms as its Superintendent shall determine and any payment made for water by the person committing such violation shall thereupon be forfeited.
(Code 1961, 3-3-1; Code 2023)
Every person desiring a supply of water, must make application therefor to the City Clerk upon blanks to be furnished by him for that purpose. The application must state truly and fully all the uses for which the water is to be applied, and no different or additional use will be allowed except by permission of said City Clerk, provided that when a meter is used no use of water shall be stated. No more than one house shall be supplied from one tap except by special permission.
(Code 1961, 3-3-2; Ord. 464; Code 2023)
All water used by consumers shall be measured by meter and all bills must be paid monthly, and every person using water from the Waterworks of the City shall be required to deposit with the City Clerk, at the time of making application for a supply of water the sum of seven dollars fifty cents ($7.50) to be applied toward the payment of the water consumed by such applicant, which amount of money shall remain on deposit with the city as long as such applicant shall use water from the Waterworks of the City and when such consumer shall cease using water from the city, after the payment of the amount due the city for water used by such consumer, deposit shall be returned to such applicant.
(Code 1961, 3-3-3; Ord. 985; Code 2023)
Water will not be turned into any house or private service pipe except upon the order of the Superintendent or his duly authorized agent, nor until the applicant shall have paid the rent due for the current term, and plumbers are especially prohibited from turning the water into any service pipe, except on order or permission of the Superintendent or his duly authorized agent. This rule shall not be construed to prevent any plumber from admitting water to test pipes and for that purpose only.
(Code 1961, 3-3-4; Code 2023)
No consumer shall supply water to other families, nor allow them to take water off his premises, nor after water is introduced into any building or upon any premises shall any person make or employ any plumber or other person to make any tap or connection with pipe upon the premises for alteration, extension or attachment without permission of the Superintendent.
(Code 1961, 3-3-5; Code 2023)
Consumers using water shall not waste the same.
(Code 1961, 3-3-6; Code 2023)
Consumers taking water shall keep their own service pipes, stop cocks and apparatus in good repair and protect the same from frost at their own risk and expense, and shall prevent all unnecessary waste of water, and no claim for damages shall be made against the City by reason of the breaking of any service cock, or failure of the water supply due to damage arising from shutting off the water to repair mains, make connections or extensions or for any other purpose that may be deemed necessary. The right is hereby reserved by the City to cut off the supply of water at any time and any permit granted to the contrary is notwithstanding.
(Code 1961, 3-3-7; Code 2023)
Every consumer taking water supplied through the Water System of the City shall permit the Superintendent or his duly authorized agent, at all hours of the day between seven o’clock (7:00) A.M. and six o’clock (6:00) P.M., to enter his premises or building to examine the pipes or fixtures and the manner in which the water is used and must at all times frankly and without reserve answer all questions in regard to the use of water.
(Code 1961, 3-3-8; Code 2023)
Service pipe used must be as large in diameter as the tap from which it is supplied. All pipes must stand a pressure of not less than two hundred (200) pounds to the square inch and at the point of connection with the main, between the main and the coupling in the service pipe, there must be at least eighteen inches (18”) of lead pipe to relieve the rigidity of the iron pipe, and brass couplings must be used for connecting the lead with the iron pipe, and in no case must lead be soldered to iron.
(Code 1961, 3-3-9; Code 2023)
All service pipes must be laid as much under the surface of the ground as the main in the street and in all cases be so protected as to prevent rupture by freezing. Every service pipe must be laid sufficiently waiving to allow not less than one and one-half feet (1½’) extra length, and in such a manner as to prevent rupture by settling.
(Code 1961, 3-3-10; Code 2023)
Every service pipe must be provided with a stop and waste cock for each consumer, easily accessible and so situated that the water may be easily shut of f and drained from the pipe. Stop cocks must be of such a pattern as shall be approved by the Superintendent.
Unless otherwise permitted, stop cocks shall be placed in the service pipe on the outside edge of the sidewalk, and protected by a service box, reaching from the pipe to the surface, of suitable size to admit a stop key for turning on and off the stop. Such service box to have an iron covering with the letter “w” or the word “water” marked thereon visible and even with the sidewalk.
(Code 1961, 3-3-11; Code 2023)
No person shall leave any excavation made in the streets, alleys or highways open at any time without barricades and during the night warning lights must be maintained at such excavations.
No person shall make any excavation in any street, alley or highway within six feet (6’) of any laid water pipe while the ground is frozen, or dig up or uncover as to expose to the frost any water pipe or sewer of the City, except under the directions of the Superintendent.
(Code 1961, 3-3-12; Code 2023)
After service pipes are laid, in refilling the openings the earth must be trampled and settled with water. The streets, sidewalks and pavements must be restored to as good condition as previous to making the excavation and all dirt, stone and rubbish must be removed immediately after completing the work.
(Code 1961, 3-3-13; Code 2023)
No hydrant, except for public drinking, shall be placed within the limits of any street unless such hydrant be securely closed and protected against general use, and no drinking fountain shall be erected for public use which has an opening by which it can be used as a source of domestic supply.
(Code 1961, 3-3-14; Code 2023)
If the proprietors of lumber yards, factories, halls, stores, elevators, warehouses or public buildings, regular consumers of water from the works, wish to lay larger pipes with hydrants and hose couplings to be used only in case of fire, they will be permitted to connect with the street main, under the direction of the Superintendent, at their own expense, upon application to the City Clerk, and will be allowed to use the water for fire purposes only, free of charge.
(Code 1961, 3-3-15; Code 2023)
All the hydrants erected in said City for the purpose of extinguishing fire, are hereby declared to be public hydrants, and no person or persons other than members of the Fire Department or persons specially authorized by said City or Superintendent, and then only for the exercise of the authority delegated by said City or Superintendent, shall open any of said hydrants or attempt to draw water from the same, or at any time uncover or remove any protection from any of said hydrants or in any way or manner interfere with the same.
No person authorized to open hydrants shall delegate his authority to another or let out or allow any person to take the wrenches furnished him or allow the same to be taken from any house in said City, except for the purpose strictly connected with the Fire Department or as they accompany the hose cart on occasion of fire.
No person shall attach a hose or sprinkler during the time fire pressure is maintained in the system.
(Code 1961, 3-3-16; Ord. 464; Code 2023)
Taps in the mains or distributing pipes must not be larger than three-fourths inch (3/4”) in diameter, except by permission of the Superintendent and pipes must in all cases be tapped on top and not in any case closer than fifteen inches (15”) to either end of the pipe, nor closer than twelve inches (12”) to any other tap.
(Code 1961, 3-3-17; Code 2023)
One meter may be used by two (2) dwelling houses if owned by the same person, but the payments for water shall in no case be less than one dollar ($1.00) per month for each house. The number of meters to be placed in any one business house or building shall be determined by the Waterworks Committee and Superintendent.
(Code 1961, 3-3-18; Ord. 464; Code 2023)
Each person taking water from the City shall pay as a compensation for taking the service pipe from the water main in the street to the outside line of the sidewalk along the customers’ premises the sum of twenty-five dollars ($25.00), which amount shall be in addition to regular water rates, and must accompany the application for water.
(Code 1961, 3-3-19; Ord. 1679; Code 2023)
Consumers must keep all service pipes, attachments and meters in order and take due precaution to prevent same from freezing or other damages. No reduction in rates will be made for the time any service pipe may be frozen or out of use from any cause.
If any part of the service pipe or fixtures are not wanted for use, the consumer shall notify the Superintendent at once and have the same disconnected and shall pay the expense of so doing, and proper reduction in rates will be made from that date.
(Code 1961, 3-3-20; Ord. 464; Code 2023)
When any person whose property is situated on the water mains of the City makes an application for a water tap to the water mains of the City, the Water Superintendent shall furnish, free of charge to the consumer, a suitable meter for the measurement of water, said meter to remain the property of the City.
All unpaid balances for meters already installed be and are hereby cancelled.
(Code 1961, 3-3-21; Ord. 1086; Code 2023)
Whenever a complaint is made by any consumer that his meter is not correctly measuring the quantity of water, such meter shall be examined and tested by the Superintendent or his authorized agent and if by such examination it is found that such meter is not correctly measuring the quantity of water, the expense of such examination shall be borne and paid for by the City; but if the meter is found to be in proper repair and working order, the expense of the examination shall be charged against the consumer.
(Code 1961, 3-3-22; Ord. 986; Code 2023)
It shall be the duty of the City Marshal and policemen to report to the Superintendent all cases of leaking, waste or unnecessary profusion in the use of water and all other violations of this article relating to the waterworks of said City that may be brought to their notice and they shall enforce the observance of this article so far as they have authority so to do.
(Code 1961, 3-3-23; Code 2023)
No person shall willingly or carelessly break, injure, deface, interfere with or disturb any building machinery or appurtenances of the waterworks, or any private or public hydrant, hose, watertrough, stopcock, meter, water supply of service or any part thereof. It shall also be unlawful for any person to deposit anything in any stopcock or commit any act intended to obstruct or impair the intended use of any of the above-mentioned property without permission of the Superintendent or other designated official.
(Code 1961, 3-3-24; Ord. 464; Code 2023)
All payments due the City from the waterworks shall be paid to the City Clerk and the City shall turn all collections over to the City Treasurer taking his receipt therefor.
(Code 1961, 3-3-26; Ord. 464; Code 2023)
Persons who do not pay their utility bills after receiving notice of delinquency and making it necessary to discontinue the service, shall pay a service charge of one dollar ($1.00).
(Code 1961, 3-3-27; Ord. 1586; Code 2023)