Article 1. Parks And Recreation

A department of parks and recreation is hereby created for the purpose of administering and maintaining the public parks of the city, and for the purpose of administering the public recreation program for the city.

(Code 1961, 2-1-1; Ord. 2078; Code 2023)

The department of parks and recreation shall be under the direction of a director of parks and recreation who shall be appointed by the City Manager and who shall serve at his pleasure.

(Code 1961, 2-1-2; Ord. 2078; Code 2023)

There is hereby created a parks and recreation advisory board. The board shall consist of seven (7) members to be appointed by the Governing Body. No more than two (2) members thereof shall reside outside of the city; the remaining members shall reside within the corporate limits of Garnett.

(Code 1961, 2-1-3; Ord. 3918; Code 2023)

Each member of the parks and recreation advisory board shall hold office for a term of three (3) years. Any vacancy shall be filled in the same manner as the original appointment, and the person appointed to fill such vacancy shall serve for the remainder of the unexpired term to which he or she is appointed. In expanding the board from five (5) to seven (7) members, the appointments of new members shall be made so as to assure staggered expiration of members’ terms.

(Code 1961, 2-1-4; Ord. 3589; Code 2023)

The parks and recreation advisory board shall have the duty of advising the department, the City Manager and the Governing Body on all major proposals and propositions for the construction, reconstruction, and improvement of public parks and recreation facilities, including the acquisition of land for park purposes; the acquisition of major recreational equipment and facilities and the institution of any major new programs in the recreation system; and such other matters as may be assigned to them by the department, the City Manager or the Governing Body.

(Code 1961, 2-1-5; Ord. 3589; Code 2023)

The parks and recreation advisory board shall, upon appointment, meet and organize and elect a chairman, who shall serve as presiding officer, and a secretary and such other officers as they may deem necessary. Officers shall hold their terms for one year. After initial organization, officers shall be elected annually.

(Code 1961, 2-1-6; Ord. 3589; Code 2023)

All reports of the parks and recreation advisory board shall be presented to the department and to the City Manager. As soon as practical thereafter, the City Manager shall forward the report to the Governing Body for their consideration at a regular or special meeting. Any report requiring or requesting action of the Governing Body shall be acted upon by them within thirty (30) days after receipt of the report. The Governing Body may, for cause, extend such time on a case by case basis so as to give matters under consideration full attention before final action is taken.

(Code 1961, 2-1-7; Ord. 3589; Code 2023)