(a) No person shall stand or park any vehicle:
(1) On Fourth Avenue between Walnut and Maple Streets;
(2) On the east side of Walnut Street between Fourth and Fifth Avenues;
(3) On the west side of Walnut Street between Fifth and Seventh Avenues;
(4) On the east side of Oak Street between First Avenue and Park Road;
(5) On the south side of Sixth Avenue between Pine and Vine Streets;
(6) On the north side of Sixth Avenue from a point due south of the southeast corner of lot 20, block 54, east to Oak Street;
(7) On the east side of Main Street between Third and Fourth Avenues;
(8) On the south side of Third Avenue between Main and Oak Streets;
(9) Third Avenue for a distance of one hundred eighteen feet (118’) due west of the center of Oak Street, as measured from the point of the two (2) streets’ intersection;
(10) From the south side of that certain alley lying north of the Farris addition to the city between its intersection with Maple Street on the east and its intersection with an extension of High Street on the west;
(11) On the south side of Park Road between Maple and Walnut Streets;
(12) On the east side of Main Street from a distance of ten feet (10’) either side of the centerline of the alley, lying between Fifth and Sixth Avenues, if it were extended east beyond its present terminus.
(13) Along either side of the alley running along the north side of block 1 in the Farris addition to the city.
(b) No person shall stop, stand, or park any vehicle, for any period of time, for any purpose whatsoever, on either side of Maple Street, or in the center, turning lane of said street; provided, however, that at locations north of the intersection of said Maple Street and Park Road, a vehicle may stop, stand, or park alongside of the paved portion of said Maple Street at any location where a shoulder is provided, but only for such purposes as a vehicle may lawfully stop, stand, or park along the shoulder of a highway, as elsewhere provided either in the standard traffic ordinance for Kansas cities as adopted by the city, or by the general traffic laws of the state.
(c) No person shall stand or park any tractor, truck tractor, trailer, semitrailer, or combination of such vehicles, or any straight truck having more than two (2) axles, upon:
(1) Any street or private yard in any residential district of the city.
(2) Any street or private yard within an O-1 district if the predominate character of the block within said O-1 district is residential rather than office and institutional.
(3) Anywhere upon Cleveland Street between Highway K-31 and Fourth Avenue.
(4) Main Street between Fourth Avenue and Fifth Avenue.
Provided, however, nothing in this subsection shall be construed to prevent adjacent premises to any affected public street from being served by any such vehicle or combination of vehicles.
(d) No person shall stand or park any vehicle on any part of the public street easement whether paved or not:
(1) On the north side of Sixth Avenue a distance of fifty-four feet (54’) east of the centerline of Oak Street; and
(2) On the south side of Sixth Avenue a distance of fifty-four feet (54’) west of the centerline of Oak Street.
(Code 1961, 10-2-1; Ord. 2911; Ord. 3232; Ord. 3288; Code 2023)
(a) No person shall park or stand any vehicle on the north side of Sixth Avenue between Maple Street and Pine Street between the hours of eight o’clock (8:00) A.M. and five thirty o’clock (5:30) P.M., Monday through Saturday, inclusive.
(b) No person shall park or stand any vehicle for a period longer than fifteen (15) minutes on the:
(1) West side of Oak Street between Third Avenue on the north and a point sixty-three feet (63’) north of the centerline of the alley lying between Third and Fourth Avenues on the south; and
(2) East side of Oak Street, in the angle parking stalls, between Third Avenue and the private drive immediately south of the building occupied by the United States post office.
(c) No person shall park or stand any vehicle on either side of Warren Street between Walnut and Elm Streets between the hours of eight o’clock (8:00) A.M. and four thirty o’clock (4:30) P.M., inclusive, Mondays through Fridays, inclusive.
(d) No person shall stand or park any vehicle in either of the two (2) angle parking stalls on the north side of Fifth Avenue, adjacent and in front of city hall, which are particularly described as follows: The two (2) stalls, each approximately sixteen feet (16’) in width, lying between one hundred sixty feet (160’) and one hundred ninety-two feet (192’) east of the curb of Walnut Street, between the hours of eight o’clock (8:00) A.M. and five o’clock (5:00) P.M. Monday through Friday, inclusive, for a period of longer than fifteen (15) minutes.
(e) No person shall park or stand any vehicle in any of the following described angle parking stalls:
(1) The four (4) stalls immediately north of Garnett State Savings Bank on Fifth Avenue, along the south curb of said avenue between its intersection with Oak Street to the west and the private drive of Garnett State Savings Bank to the east; and
(2) The four (4) stalls immediately east of Farmers State Bank along the west curb of said street between the private drive of Farmers State Bank to the north and said street’s intersection with Sixth Avenue to the south; for a period of longer than fifteen (15) minutes.
(f) Between the hours of seven thirty o’clock (7:30) A.M. and four o’clock (4:00) P.M., inclusive, on any day during which the public school adjacent and immediately west of the following described portion of Oak Street, shall be in session, no person shall park or stand any vehicle, except for the purpose of and while actually engaged in the expeditious loading or unloading of passengers. With respect to a private passenger car or pickup truck, a rebuttable presumption shall be created that said vehicle is parked for purposes other than loading or unloading of passengers aforesaid if such remains parked and unattended by the driver for a consecutive period of fifteen (15) minutes or longer. The location of this zone is for a distance along the west side of Oak Street five hundred sixty-four feet (564’) in length and commencing at a point three hundred one feet (301’) south of the intersection of the centerlines of North Oak Street and Park Road and running south along the west side of the said paved portion of Oak Street to a point eight hundred sixty-five feet (865’) south of said intersection.
(g) Between the hours of seven thirty o’clock (7:30) A.M. and four thirty o’clock (4:30) P.M. on any day during which the public school adjacent and immediately north of the following described portion of East Third Avenue shall be in session, no person shall park or stand any vehicle for any purpose whatsoever along the south side of Third Avenue between its intersections with Pine and Cedar Streets.
(h) No person shall park or stand any vehicle in the angle parking stall immediately to the west of the private drive opening onto Fifth Avenue between Walnut and Oak Streets and the west angle marker of said stall being two hundred seventy-one feet (271’) more or less west of the center of Walnut Street and on the south side of Fifth Avenue between the hours of eight o’clock (8:00) A.M. and five o’clock (5:00) P.M., Monday through Friday, inclusive, for a period of longer than fifteen (15) minutes.
(i) No person shall park or stand any vehicle on the following part of Walnut Street between the hours of seven thirty o’clock (7:30) A.M. and four thirty o’clock (4:30) P.M. on any day during which the public school commonly known as Garnett Elementary Center (formerly Garnett High School) is in session: Along the west side of said street, beginning at a point fifty-four feet (54’) north of the centerline of Warren Street to a point sixty three feet (63’) south of the centerline of the south USO 365 driveway intersecting on the east side of said Walnut Street, said distance being a total distance along the west side of said Walnut Street of four hundred forty eight feet (448’).
(Code 1961, 10-2-2; Ord. 2989; Ord. 3034; Ord. 3064; Ord. 3097; Ord. 3267; Ord. 3551; Ord. 3935; Code 2023)
(a) Angle parking as designated by painted stalls or otherwise in conformity with uniform traffic signing and marking shall be permitted within the city, only at the following locations:
(1) The east side of Oak Street between Third and Fourth Avenues;
(2) Either side of Oak Street between Fourth and Sixth Avenues;
(3) The north side of Fourth Avenue between Walnut and Main Streets;
(4) In a single file in the center of Fourth Avenue between Oak and Main Streets;
(5) The south side of Fourth Avenue from a point beginning two hundred forty-eight feet (248’) east of the centerline of Walnut Street, thence east to Main Street;
(6) The south side of Fourth Avenue from Spruce to Olive Streets;
(7) Either side of Fifth Avenue from a point beginning one hundred seventy-one feet (171’) east of the centerline of Walnut Street, thence east to Main Street;
(8) Public parking lot south of the Anderson County Courthouse within block 46 of the city, on either side thereof;
(9) Along the east side of a portion of North Lake Road immediately adjacent and west of the Kansas national guard armory;
(10) Along the south side of a part of North Lake Road immediately adjacent and east of the municipal swimming pool and continuing around the northeasterly boundary of said pool, marked by a rock wall and then on around to the north side of said swimming pool to the point at which the said rock wall terminates.
(b) No vehicle or combination of vehicles shall be parked in any angle stall so as to create an unreasonable traffic hazard by reason of its height, width, or combined length.
(c) Angle parking stalls designated by subsection (a)(4) and those along either side of Fifth Avenue between Oak and Walnut Streets shall be marked with a white line or other designation in conformity with uniform traffic signing and marking which indicates the maximum length of a vehicle or combination of vehicles which can be parked safely as determined by the Chief of Police and no person shall park or stand any vehicle or combination of vehicles in a stall thus marked so as to allow any portion thereof to extend beyond or overhang such marking.
(Code 1961, 10-2-3; Ord. 2772; Code 2023)
The following parking stalls are hereby designated “handicapped parking stalls”, which stalls shall be marked with appropriate signs or painted insignia on the pavement, or both:
(a) One angle parking stall on the north side of and immediately adjacent to the west of the pedestrian crosswalk in the public parking lot south of the Anderson County Courthouse, within block 46 of the city.
(b) One angle parking stall on the south side of and immediately adjacent to the west of the pedestrian crosswalk on East Fourth Avenue between Oak and Main Streets.
(c) One angle parking stall on the east side of Oak Street, thirteen feet (13’) in width and lying ninety-two feet (92’) more or less south of the centerline of the alley running between Fifth and Sixth Avenues.
(d) One angle parking stall on the east side of Oak Street, immediately adjacent to, and south of, the pedestrian crosswalk on Oak Street, south of Oak Street’s intersection with Fifth Avenue.
(e) One angle parking stall on the west side of Oak Street, immediately adjacent to, and north of, the pedestrian crosswalk on Oak Street, north of Oak Street’s intersection with Fifth Avenue.
(f) One angle parking stall on the north side of Fourth Avenue, immediately adjacent to, and west of, the pedestrian crosswalk approximately in the middle of Fourth Avenue, between its intersection with Oak Street and Main Street.
(g) One angle parking stall and additional access space surrounding the same aggregating to thirty-three (33) linear feet, more or less, of width, on the north side of Fifth Avenue, adjacent to city hall, and lying between one hundred ninety-three (193) and two hundred twenty-five feet (225’) east of the east curb of Walnut Street.
(h) One angle parking stall, the north end of the east boundary marking line being one hundred sixty-eight feet (168’) east of the city fire hydrant at the intersection of Fifth Avenue and Walnut Street, and additional access space to the west thereof, aggregating to thirty feet (30’) in width, east to west.
(i) One angle parking stall and additional access space to the east t hereof, aggregating to 27 feet in width, east to west, said parking stall being described as beginning 81 feet west of the west boundary of the Oak Street right of way, at its point of intersection with the south right of way line of Fifth Avenue, thence running east a distance of 14 feet, with the additional access space lying on the east side of said parking stall.
(Code 1961, 10-2-4; Ord. 2892; Ord. 3714; Ord. 3771; Ord. 3774; Ord. 3935; Ord. 4156; Code 2023)
Except where a shorter time limit is specified elsewhere in this article, no person shall park or stand any vehicle:
(a) On Oak Street between Second and Third Avenues; between Fourth and Ninth Avenues; and on the west side thereof between Third and Fourth Avenues;
(b) On Main Street between Third and Seventh Avenues;
(c) On Fourth Avenue between Walnut and Main Streets;
(d) On Fifth Avenue between Walnut and Pine Streets;
(e) On Sixth Avenue between Oak and Pine Streets;
(f) On Seventh Avenue between Oak and Main Streets; for more than forty-eight (48) hours.
(Code 1961, 10-2-5; Ord. 2772; Code 2023)
(a) Parking Prohibited: No person shall stand or park any recreational vehicle, including any trailer, semitrailer, motor home (including a converted bus, van or truck) or truck camper, upon any street or street right of way in any residential area, except as provided in subsection (b).
(b) Exception: For purposes of the bona fide loading or unloading of any recreational vehicle, such vehicle may be parked on a residential street or street right-of-way so long as:
(1) No stationary utility services are attached to it;
(2) No “slide outs” are extended, if so equipped;
(3) Such parking does not constitute a sight or other traffic hazard; and
(4) The duration of such parking does not exceed six (6) hours in any twenty-four (24) hour period.
(Code 1961, 10-2-6; Ord. 3343; Code 2023)