Article 1. Police Department
There is hereby created a Police Department which shall consist of the Chief of Police and such other personnel as may be provided by the Governing Body of the Municipality.
(Code 1961, 3-1-1; Code 2023)
It shall be the duty of the members of the Police Department to see to the enforcement of all of the laws of the municipality and all statutes applicable therein; and to preserve order and prevent infractions of the law and arrest violators thereof.
(Code 1961, 3-1-2; Code 2023)
Every member of the Police Department shall appear as witness whenever necessary in a prosecution for a violation of any law or of any State or Federal law. No such member shall retain any witness fee for service as witness in any action or suit to which the municipality is a party; any fees paid for such services shall be turned over to the Chief of Police, who shall deposit the same with the Treasurer.
(Code 1961, 3-1-3Code 2023)
The Chief of the Police Department may make or prescribe such rules and regulations as he shall deem advisable; such rules, when approved by the Governing Body, shall be binding on such members. Such rules and regulations may cover, besides the conduct of the members, uniforms and equipment to be worn or carried, hours of service, vacations and all other similar matters necessary or desirable for the better efficiency of the Department.
(Code 1961, 3-1-4; Code 2023)
The Mayor, with the consent of the Council, may appoint a Police Matron, who shall perform such duties as may be assigned to her by the Chief of Police or by the Mayor.
(Code 1961, 3-1-5; Code 2023)
The Chief of Police, for meritorious service rendered by any member of the Police Force in the due discharge of his duty, may permit such member to retain for his own benefit, so far as he may be permitted by law, any reward or present tendered him therefor, and it shall be cause of removal for any member of the Force to receive any such reward or present without notice thereof to the Chief of Police and without his permission.
(Code 1961, 3-1-6; Code 2023)